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The operation of the Public Offering (IPO) of 4.0% of the shares of Hidroeléctrica de Cahora Bassa (HCB), S.A., held in July 2019, entirely dedicated to Mozambican citizens, companies and institutions, was distinguished, on the 03rd of this month, by DealMakers Africa, at the Annual Awards Gala, held in Nairobi, Kenya, with the “Special Recognition Award” for the uniqueness of its characteristics, which distinguishes it from the others, in particular the aspect of economic inclusion of Mozambicans, the outreach to citizens who are not bank clients, the innovative nature of using remote channels (mobile banking), and the exceptional results it has achieved, being the largest transaction in the Mozambican capital market to date.

The HCB IPO took place in July 2019, with 4% of the company’s shares having been placed, and registered demand more than double the offer, with subscribers from all provinces and 92% of the districts, including regions with no banking presence, which resulted in the purchase of shares by nearly 17,000 Mozambican investors, doubling the number of investors in the BVM.

DealMakers AFRICA is a platform launched in 2000 that has become the main provider of M&A Rankings in South Africa and has been tracking M&A and Corporate Finance activities in the rest of the continent since 2008. Since 2013, it has published an annual Directory at the DealMakers awards gala in South Africa and DealMakers Africa in Kenya.

The IPO for 7.5% of HCB’s shares was held in 2019, observing an initial tranche of 4%, in which citizens, companies, and national institutions from all provinces participated, noting the subscription of 142 of the 152 districts of Mozambique, which resulted in an increase in the number of shareholders from two to close to 17,000.

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